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Good morning church, it is time for our Summer Revival with Brother Darrell Hayes. I booked Brother Hayes in 2019 for this Summer. It seems like a lot has happened since then and the world is truly a different place today. God is still on the throne, and we are looking forward to what God has for us this coming week in our services. Make your plans to be with us each day beginning on Sunday morning at 9:30am with our Sunday School and then morning worship at 10:30am. We will break for lunch right after worship and be back for 12:30pm service. We will also meet Monday through Wednesday nights at 7pm. There will not be a potluck dinner Sunday, so remember to bring your lunch with you. Be much in prayer about what you would desire the Lord to do in your life this week. Look forward to seeing you all there. Invite someone to be your guest. Have a great end of the week.

Pastor Glen


If you haven't seen it in the news lately, there is yet another push for more mandates regarding Covid. Search for the truth. All of the supposed "conspiracy theorists" labeled by the news media who warned Americans about the deceptive practices that were going on related to covid, are now the ones who are turning out to be accurate. I have come across a website called that is full of cutting edge articles. I am not endorsing everything here, but certainly they have some great information regarding Covid and what is happening behind the scenes. Check it out. Just like our salvation is a personal choice to make once we have received the truth, so is healthcare our own individual responsibility. The same people who claim it is a "woman's right" and choice to an abortion because it is "her body" now are saying those who choose not to get a vaccine have no choice of their own. Hypocrisy at its best.

Pastor Glen


This Sunday July 25 we will host the Stalcup family. Brother Tim and his family have answered the call of God to represent him in New York City. He has called them to minister to the cities muslim population. Join us at 9:30am for Sunday school, then at 10:30 for our worship time, followed by a pizza lunch served at 11:30. We hope to see you there. Please call or email us with any questions. Have a blessed rest of your week. Pastor Glen


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