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In light of the recent rise in illnesses in and around the church, please make note of the following changes to our services. Wednesday Night Bible study will be online only throughout January. The lesson in the book of Galatians will be on the website by Wednesday afternoons. Sunday service schedule will be as follows: Sunday school 9:30am and Sunday worship at 10:30am throughout the month of January. No lunch fellowship. No afternoon service on Sunday. Our Annual Business meeting will be postponed from Wednesday January 12th and moved to Sunday the 16th of January right after the morning worship. Please stay healthy and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning.

Pastor Glen


At the end of this week, we will once again celebrate the birth of our Saviour. What a blessing we have to know that because of Jesus, we have reason for great hope. I wanted to take a moment and thank you all personally, for your faithfulness to our church. It is my privilege to pastor Faith Baptist Church. I am looking forward to 2022. Looking for that "Blessed Hope". Stay safe, and have a joyous Christmas day with your family and friends. On Sunday the 26th we will have our normal Sunday school hour followed by the morning worship. There will be no afternoon service that day. Please pray for Ann Marie as she took sick on Monday evening. Cold-like symptoms, we have tested her for Covid this morning and the test was negative. So far I am feeling fine, just a bit tired from lack of sleep.

Merry Christmas.



Join us tonight at 7:00 for a time of thanksgiving and testimonies, giving thanks for how good the Lord has been to us over the last year. We have many things to thank God for. Of course if we had nothing but our Salvation, we would still not be able to thank him enough. We will also share Communion at the Lord's table. See you tonight!



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